The Problem: 

The Bird Keepers Association website was lacking the lustre they needed to continue attracting new members to their organisation. 


The Solution: 

TILT Creative saw the need for a fresh new brand and a new website strategy, that included digital memberships, a community, forums, and a focus on e-commerce for their fundraising projects. 

The brand was the first step of revamping. By modernising the brand identity, the BKA was ushered from the world of hobby, into the world of national presence, something any bird keeper would be happy to be a part of:

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The website was next on our hit-list. The website needed a new approach to business, content and memberships, as that was the main focus of the group. We gave them a community platform, complete with groups and a forum, and strengthened their approach to fundraising by bringing that to the website. Their entire membership programme got a revamp as well, and with time, new features will be introduced to the public. 

The website can be viewed live here. Turn around time for this project was a week from start to completion. 


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