A brand is a powerful thing. For consumers, it can represent hope, love, joy, trust, security, confidence, happiness, and peace. Brands are the channel used to connect products and services to consumers in a meaningful way, gradually increasing brand equity and consumer loyalty. This is why it’s so important to create a brand that reflects the qualities that consumers will expect, not just what the company is today. It’s aspirational, and inspirational.

Branding is not just about a logo or a slogan, it’s so much more than that. It’s the feeling someone gets when they interact with every aspect of your business. It’s the colours, the typography, qualities of your company, your vision, your mission, the personality of the company, the photography used… it’s a lot more complex than a name and a logo. Your logo is the centre of attention, but the brand is the invisible force field around it telling consumers how they should feel about it.

Many companies take this for granted in the early days. They think in the start, they can just go with whatever they feel is acceptable and rebrand in the future. But the initial image is already burned into consumers’ minds… A rebranding strategy will then be needed to determine how to slowly update the brand depending on how far away from the original brand the rebrand is.

Brand refreshing or updating is quite common for companies that have existed for more than five years. It gives the company the brand equivalent of a fresh haircut. And also provides a great platform to reconnect with consumers announcing your new “haircut”.

The Pricing

Branding is not a straightforward project to price since everyone has different ideas, some of which takes much longer as there is more work involved. We have however developed a couple starting points that keep us more consistent.

A Brand Refresh (£500)- If you already have an existing logo and you just want to breathe some life into it, a refresh is the way to go. This includes:

  • Updated logo
  • Business cards
  • Letterhead design
  • 1 week turnaround – subject to client approval timeliness and schedule availability

A New Brand Identity (£1500) – if you don’t have a brand, if you’re a brand new company, and you need something that speaks to your brand’s values and resonates with your consumers, while looking professional and standing out in your industry. This includes:

  • Logo concept and design
  • Business cards
  • Letterhead design
  • Brand guidelines (logo use, typography, visual guides, etc)
  • 1-2 week turnaround – subject to client approval timeliness and schedule availability

Brand Transition Plan – this is for those who have a logo and want a complete change, but already have an established brand, so they need to slowly transition from one to another in a series of stages. This will include 3 or 4 options with colour changes so that your brand can move easily from one to another without any hiccups. Your customers might not be able to connect with your normally green branding if you randomly switch over to purple, or move from one logo to another. Logos take years to establish and a wrongly timed brand change can be detrimental. A quick Google can show you the best way to transition and some examples of what happens when you don’t do it properly. You can enquire within to find out more information on how we work with transitioning brands.

Please read also about our process, client deliverables and payment terms ↗️

Ready to take the plunge and TILT your brand? 

TILT is experienced in the brand arena, since establishing brand guidelines comes before any form of content creation; it allows our creative team to deliver content that consistently reflects your brand. Our hands-on process has also given us a unique view on developing brands, since we can experience them from the consumer’s viewpoint as well as corporate’s.

If you’re ready for a brand, a brand refresh or a complete rebrand, book a free consultation with us to discover how we can TILT your brand!

Case Studies